Apple first company crossing $3 tn, more than GDP of India, UK, France.

16 Jan 2022. Apple became world’s first company to cross $ 3 trillion market cap value on January 3, 2022, when its share price touched $182.88.
Now only four countries in the world have a higher GDP than Apple’s market cap — the United States, China, Japan, and Germany. 186 countries including India, UK and France has their GDPs less than the value of Apple.
Now Apple is much ahead of other big techs like Microsoft ($2.5 trillion market cap), Google owner Alphabet’s ($2 trillion), Amazon ($1.7 trillion), and Tesla ( $1.2 trillion).
Market capitalization, commonly called market cap of a publicly traded company refers to the value of a company calculated by multiplying the total number of shares and the present share price.
Apple took over 40 years to make the first trillion dollars (Aug 2018), while the second trillion was lined up in the next 24 months (Aug 2020) and the third trillion took merely 16 months (Jan 2022).