Adani Bubble Burst? From Global Rank 3 to 21 in Just Ten Days

Adani Bubble Burst? From Global Rank 3 to 21 in Just Ten Days

The US based Hindenburg Research report accusing the Adani Group of brazen stock manipulation and accounting fraud brought a Tsunami in the stock market and Adani group companies’ stock price tumbled like a pack of cards wiping out $108 billion market cap in ten days. As share prices tumbled, Adani fell from global rank 3 to 21 in just ten days as per Bloomberg. Is the Adani bubble burst?

End of ipod journey

The end of ‘iPod’ journey after 20 years – Cannibalization in Apple Inc.

Apple announced the end of ‘iPod’ journey on May 10, 2022, two decades after it was launched. iPod, not only changed the way people listened music but also the fortunes of Apple Inc itself when its PC business was not doing well. However, sales declined rapidly when iPhone (with iPod within it) was introduced in 2007. The advanced features of’ iPhone’ smartphone cannibalized ‘iPod’ badly leading to its closure.

Google fined $1 bn (over Rs 7,000 cr) in France within a year – Why?

In less than a year, Google has been fined thrice with a total amount close to $1 bn (Rs 7260 cr) in France. The fine imposed on Google is nothing new as there are a series of fines imposed on Google by competition watchdogs of European Union and various other nations including India, USA, Italy etc. for adopting unfair business practices. Was Google fined in France thrice for unfair business practices or for something else? This article will let you know the reasons behind the penalties imposed on Google in France.

Big Tech Companies Flourished amid COVID, Had a Blockbuster Pandemic Year

When the COVID pandemic brutally destroyed the world economy and companies across the globe, the tech companies flourished in this pandemic that started in early months of 2020. The global shift in habits helped the big tech companies Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft (GAFAM), earned unexpected revenues in the pandemic year, better than normal years. The Tech giants – Amazon and Apple posted record revenues with both companies topping $100 billion in quarterly revenue for the first time in the final quarter of 2020. These companies earned over Rs 1.5 cr to Rs 6 cr per minute with net profit increment in the range of 44% to 220% in Q1 of 2021.