Business Facts

.Business facts

Get exciting business facts that will blow your mind. Facts about business organisations, entrepreneurs, brands, first times across various business sectors like e-Commerce, airlines, automobile, retail, etc.

Business facts- Video games

Video game is no more a kids game. About 80% are above 18 years. The following data substantiate this business fact:

Age group%age of total video games player
Under 18 years 21%
18-34 years 38%
35-54 years26%
55-64 years9%
65 years and above6%

Business Facts – Apple became world’s first company crossing $3 tn value

Apple became world’s first company crossing $3 tn value on Jan 3, 2022. Now its value is more tha the GDP of 186 countries including India, UK and France. touched $182.88.